MultimediaLab. Charlotte Beaudry.Lab[au]. Media Ruimte. Sold Out. Muriel Thies. Fabrice Lig.Juan d'Oultremont. Eric Angenot. Marcel Berlanger. The Oslo Dead Trash Project. The Alpha-Verticals. Stéphane Noël. Baby Boom. Showstar. Jeronimo. Anorak Supersport. Nietzsche. Christophe Bailleau.Miam Monster Miam.Peter & the lions.
Le MagueThe Belgian Pop & Rock Archives. La libre Belgique.RFI. RFI (English biography).
Groove Armada. Day One.Autechre.Beastie boys.Daniel Brenboim.Alva Noto. Oval. Barbara Morgenstern.They might be giants.Lou Reed. Krafwerk.New Order.Todd Rundgren.Neil Young.Syd Barrett .Steely Dan.Talking heads. Leonard Cohen.Crosby, Stills and Nash.Velvet Underground. Bob Dylan. Daniel Lanois. Trilok Gurtu.Brian Wilson.
Pure FMRFI Musique.The Library of Congress.Alan Lomax.Recorded sound reference center. Sacem.La Médiathèque de Belgique.Adami.Cybercafé. WBM. Les Inrockuptibles. MeetMusic.
ICP.Sophiane.Soundstation.Lovo Films.Rising sun.Real World Studios.Synsound.Orinoco. Bleu nuit.Plus XXX.Davout.Metropolis.Whitfield Street.SOS Recording.